About Us


Established on the 29th of September 2000, the Association of South-Western Municipalities (ASWM) is a non-governmental organization with non-profitable activity. The management of the Association are General Council, in which all member municipalities are represented by delegates; The Management Board, consist  7 members and is managed by the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman and executive staff.

At the moment Chairman of the ASWM is Atanas Stoyanov – Mayor of Sandanski Municipality, Deputy Chairman is Vasko Stoilkov – Mayor of Slivnitsa Municipality. The members are – Stoycho Banenski – Mayor of Bansko Municipality, Metodi Baykushev – Mayor of Blagoevgrad Municipality, Trayko Mladenov – Mayor of Kostinbrod Municipality, Emil Iliev – Mayor of Strumiyani Municipality, Angel Zhilanov – Mayor of Gorna Malina Municipality.

ASWM Controller is Bogomil Brankov – Chairman of the Municipal Council Elin Pelin, Deputy Controller is Svetlana Danailova - Chairman of Municipal Council Petrich.



Trainings in the field of : legal framework of local government and Acts of the local authorities, finances and budgeting, municipal property, spatial development.

Expert assistance and consultations in: project development and management, implementation of the principles of good and transparent government, improving service quality.

Conducting public events: public discussions, forums, round tables.

Provision of international partnerships for: policy implementation, exchange of experience and establishment of partnership networks.

Planning and programming of the local and regional development : methodical guidelines, development of municipal and regional plans and strategies, update of planning documents


-Applying contacts with regional and national state institutions

- Establishing contacts with civil society organizations

- Provides technical assistance and guidance into development and management of European projects

- Conducting public hearings, seminars, workshops and more.

- Develops and participates in the implementation of projects under the programs of inter-municipal and regional importance.

- Provides consulting, expert and technical assistance to members – municipalities.

- Organize training and seminars (ZOP, legal framework of local government finance and budget, municipal property and more)

- Implement the developed networks: social entrepreneurship, municipal councils, experts in projects and programs and teachers in secondary schools.

OUR purposes are

ASWM aims are to protect and represent the common interests of the member municipalities at national and regional state structures; to coordinate the ativities of its members in resolving local problems and developing local government; to provide a variety of quality services to its members; to promote civil involvement in the local government.

OUR partners are

ASWM has built a network of contacts, supporters and partners throughout the country and beyond. Key partners are state institutions, associations of municipalities, professional associations of municipal employees, business organizations, NGOs and media.
СЮЗО е реализирало успешно над тридесет проекта в различни области на социално –икономическия живот, като по-голямата част от тях са трансгранични и транснационални.
Сдружението разполага с два офиса, които се намират в гр. Благоевград и в гр. Сливница, които са напълно оборудвани технически и комуникационно.
Сдружението е институционално утвърдено и организационно и финансово устойчиво, с изградена широка партньорска мрежа.
Офисите на Сдружението се намират в гр. Благоевград 2700, ул. “Тодор Александров” 23, ет. 3, офис 32 и в гр. Сливница, пл. "Съединение" №1, телефон 073/ 88 22 75, факс 073/ 88 26 81, e-mail: office@aswm.net, www.aswm.net
