Together with the citizens and the business, we are building the future of the Municipality

Project name: Together with the citizens and the business, we are building the future of the Municipality № BG05SFOP001-2.025-0008-C01 Donor: European Union through the European Social Fund; Operational programme: Good Governance Priority axes: Effective and professional management…

BRIDGE - Building Relationships Into a Democratic Goal for Europe

The BRIDGE - Building Relationships Into a Democratic Goal for Europe project, made up of 11 organizations from 10 countries and was designed taking into account the territorial context – integration of cross-border organizations/municipalities. Based on this…

Cross-Border Cooperation in Forest Fire Fighting

In order to reduce the number of victims and injured of forest fires, reduce material damage and damage to the environment, it is necessary for members of the fire-fighting units in the cross-border region to continuously improve…

Complex Support for Successful Business Start in Southwest Bulgaria

Leading Partner: Business Incubator - Gotse Delchev, Entrepreneurship Promotion Centre (BI-DG) Partner: Association of South-Western Municipalities (ASWM) Human Resource Development Programme, Priority Axis "Improving Access to Employment and Quality of Workplaces" Procedure Support for Entrepreneurship. The project…

My hobby is my profession - Providing services for internet business

We are pleased to inform you that the Association of South-Western Municipalities has started the implementation of the project "My hobby is my profession - Providing services for internet business", funded under the Human Resources Development Operational…

“Actions for the support and enhancement of Social Entrepreneurship at local level” - ACT SOCIAL

ASWM begins implementation of project “Actions for the support and enhancement of Social Entrepreneurship at local level” with Acronym ACT SOCIAL and Subsidy Contract No.B2.9c.05/03.10.2017 under 2-nd Call of Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme. The project…

AgriGo4Cities - Urban agriculture for changing cities: governance models for better institutional capacities and social inclusion

In recent times, the main needs and challenges related to governance systems within the Danube region can be associated with decreasing public institutional capacities to incorporate participatory approach into decision-making processes. The absence of participatory mechanisms is…

Think Composting - dedication to the organic full circle

Through the project will be develop and implement: 800 composters supplied and delivered for domestic use; information materials and studies about the composters use; Info meetings and workshops at 17 municipalities; research about the composting options into…

EuroPean NetwOrk of Woman Mayors for Equal OppoRtunities in Citizens' life – POWER

Resume: In Europe women are under-represented in senior positions due to political and social obstacles as well as cultural stereotypes that still limit the gender balance. The project addresses the issue of equal opportunities starting from the…

Establishing a network of social enterprises to implement innovative marketing strategies

The overall objective of the project is to create prerequisites for the introduction of innovative models for the development of social enterprises. The specific project objectives are: To build a network of social entrepreneurship in Southwestern Bulgaria;…